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We have FREE resources for people living within the city of Winnipeg and the province of Manitoba.
These items include Bibles, other books and DVDs that answer questions such as:

  •  Does God exist?
  • Can I find true purpose and joy in life?
  • Who is Jesus? What did He do and what is He doing today?
  • Can I really forgive others who have wronged me?
  • How can I have a stronger marriage?
  • How did we get the Bible?
  • Why is there suffering in the world?

Please call 204-586-4103 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our Contact webpage to place your request . FREE SHIPPING within Manitoba!

Please note: Requests will be honored on a first come, first served basis as resources allow.

Faith Church YouTube

How many human races are there?

A (True) Change of Heart

Fear and Faith

A Fence or an Ambulance

Practicing Quietness


    Sunday –10:00am
    A time to praise, worship and participate in the mutual enjoyment of the building up of the Body of Christ.

    Office hours:
    Friday, 9am to 1pm
    Telephone: (204) 586 – 4103