About Us
The Bible, God’s Word, declares that the church is “the pillar and ground of the truth”. God’s Word also states that the “wisdom of God” is to be made known by the church.
To this end, our desire is to follow the Biblical command of preaching the gospel to those who do not yet know Christ while discipling all believers that God grants to join our local fellowship. By believing the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God, applicable in all details of our lives, we are desiring to know Jesus Christ better. The Bible speaks of this “knowing Christ”, as the process of being conformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ, which is the ultimate hope for every believer. At Faith there are a number of ways that individuals can join in meeting with us. We have weekly Sunday morning services, prayer meetings and small groups. In addition we have monthly meetings for anyone wishing to investigate who Jesus is, why He came and what it means to follow him.
Sunday –10:00am
A time to praise, worship and participate in the mutual enjoyment of the building up of the Body of Christ.
Office hours:
Friday, 9am to 1pm
Telephone: (204) 586 – 4103